Tribulus terrestris is a plant that has been known since ancient times. The beneficial properties of the herb are also used in Chinese and Indian medicine, where they are mostly associated with the treatment of impotence.
The root and fruit of Tribulus Terrestris have the highest content of active ingredients. It contains some steroidal saponins, proteins, phenols, flavonoids, glycosides and large amounts of vitamin C.
In men, the extract of the plant improves the production of testosterone by activating the secretion of the hormone.
Tribulus is used successfully for impotence. It is known as a natural medicine to increase libido and fertility in both men and women.
Tribulus is also increasingly popular among athletes, thanks to its ability to increase strength and endurance.
Regular intake of Tribulus leads to:
• Increase in sexual desire
• Increasing the level of testosterone
• Improved mood and self-esteem
• Restoration of spermatogenesis in men
• Increasing muscle strength
• Stimulation of the immune system
• A number of positive effects on blood pressure, blood sugar, physical and emotional state, endurance of the body
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